Online fundraising pages are one of the easiest ways to collect donations. You can fundraise for Depaul UK using several platforms, including JustGiving and CharityCheckout.

A brilliant fundraising page can help you raise more money to help young people – so follow our top tips for creating a page that does you proud.

Set an ambitious goal

Pages on JustGiving with a fundraising target raise 46% more on average than those without, so be sure to set yourself an ambitious target.

JustGiving have some great tips on how to do this.

Make it personal

Your potential donors want to know why you’re fundraising for Depaul UK. What is it about the cause of youth homelessness that you connect with? Is there a personal story that you could share? Adding a picture can also boost your page total.

Explain the impact

Our impact page features lots of stories about the impact our work has on the lives of young people affected by homelessness. Take a look and share some of these stories – donors want to know that their donation will make a real difference.

Update regularly

Most online fundraising pages allow you to post updates. By keeping supporters up to date with your planning, you can keep them engaged and encourage them to donate more!

Share your page

You might feel shy about sharing your fundraising page, but by keeping it at the front of people’s minds you can make sure that they donate.

Get some support

Remember that if you need support with setting up your page or any other part of your fundraising journey, you can always get in touch with us at