About Depaul Housing Services

Depaul Housing Services has adopted the Depaul Group’s Vision, that everyone should have a place to call home and a stake in their community. This work is guided by the Vincentian Values, and these are the basis for everything the Charity does.   

The core values are that we:  

  • celebrate the potential of people;  
  • put our words into action  
  • take a wider role in civil society; and  
  • believe in rights and responsibilities  

The agreed strategic objectives for 2022 were:  

  • To address and relieve homelessness and poverty through the delivery of more; safe, affordable and high-quality housing and the provision of housing services to more people who are vulnerable  
  • To coproduce with our tenants what DHS does and how we do it   
  • To be a financially sustainable and well governed business that is compliant with relevant Regulatory Frameworks  

tenants rights

1 (a) tenants’ rights in respect of registered providers’ legal obligations in connection with tenants’ homes and with the facilities and services provided in connection with those homes Tenancy Standard – GOV.UK

(b) relevant regulatory requirements that registered providers must meet in connection with tenants’ homes and with the facilities and services provided in connection with those homes Reshaping consumer regulation: Our new approach – GOV.UK

(c) how tenants can make a complaint about their registered provider.

  • in person at one of our offices or services.
  • by phone on 0207 939 1220
  • by email on depaul@depaulcharity.org.uk
  • by letter to Complaints, Depaul UK, Sherborne House, 34 Decima Street, London, SE1 4QQ
  • using an advocate, with your written consent.
  • by our webform

Please note if your complaint is regarding anti-social behaviour we have dedicated procedures to deal with this. Please contact us for more information or to make a report.

(d) the registered provider’s complaints policy and complaints handling process.


2 In addition, the information provided must also include information about:

(a) the requirement to provide a home that meets the government’s Decent Homes Standard (as it has effect from time to time)

(b) the registered provider’s obligation to comply with health and safety legislation

(c) the rights conferred on tenants by their tenancy agreements including rights implied by statute and/or common law, in particular

(i) the right to a home that is fit for human habitation

(ii) the right to receive notice of a proposed visit to carry out repairs or maintenance or to view the condition and state of repair of the


(d) the rights of disabled tenants to reasonable adjustments